Original Schroth Cure in Oberstaufen at Hotel Allgäu Sonne

Schroth Cure in Oberstaufen

With the Original Oberstaufen Schroth Cure, Oberstaufen offers an excellent holistic natural medicine, which cleanses and detoxifies the body thoroughly in just a few weeks. Ideally, invest two to three weeks in your health. The aim is to restart the body’s endogenous healing and regeneration.

Schroth Cure benefits

Several symptoms can be relieved with the help of a Schroth Cure. These are:

  • Metabolic disorders: overweight, obesity, raised cholesterol and blood fat levels, fatty liver, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hyperuricaemia, gout, kidney stones
  • Cardiovascular diseases: hypertension, arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease
  • Chronic inflammation: nose and paranasal sinuses diseases, chronic bronchitis, inflammation of the genitourinary system, high susceptibility to infection
  • Chronic poisoning: drugs, nicotine, heavy metals
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: spinal disease, arthrosis, chronic polyarthritis, rheumatic diseases, soft-tissue rheumatism
  • Gastrointestinal conditions: irritable bowel syndrome, chronic constipation, diverticulosis
  • Skin diseases: eczemas, acne, allergies, neurodermatitis, psoriasis
  • Migraine
  • Menopausal symptoms
  • Menstrual problems
  • Water retention
  • Hypothyroidism

The lists cannot be exhaustive and the effect of a clinical picture can vary greatly from case to case. Please consult a medical professional beforehand.

© Oberstaufen Tourism | German Schroth Association e.V.

Frequently asked questions about Schroth Cure

The natural healing method according to Johann Schroth has little to do with only eating grain and meal. Most people are aware of this by now. Questions and answers: © Oberstaufen Tourism | German Schroth Association e.V.

Can I perform a Schroth Cure at home?
No, the exact implementation of the cure requires specially trained staff, e.g. for the body wraps and the diet. In addition, medical care should be provided by a spa doctor in order to achieve the best possible health success.

How often is a Schroth Cure recommended?
In general, it is advisable to cleanse the body once a year. In case of high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, lipometabolic disorders, and overweight, an annual Schroth cure is recommended. If used as a preventive measure, every two years is enough.

How long should the cure last?
At least two, better if three weeks. The metabolism starts to adjust after about one week. The full effect of the Schroth Cure can be seen in the third week.

Why “dry” days if you should drink two to three litres per day?
Schroth Cure is a temporary naturopathy that works through various stimuli – including the alternation of dry and drinking days, because this promotes tissue drainage and thus the elimination of acids and harmful substances. The individually needed intake of liquids is decided by the cure physician before the start of the cure.

Doesn’t the body need fats to absorb vitamins?
Fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A, D, E, and K cannot be sufficiently absorbed during the Schroth Cure, as no fat is administered. Considering the short period of the cure, this is acceptable as the body has enough reserves.

Can I replace the Schroth Cure body wrap with sauna sessions?
No. The high temperature of the sauna makes you sweat passively. In the wrap, however, the heat is actively generated by the body itself – as with a fever, the body temperature remains elevated for a longer period of time. This activates the body’s self-healing powers, but works only after about two hours.

Can I drink coffee during the cure?
Coffee is a luxury food and should not be consumed during the cure. If you have low blood pressure, it is better to drink black tea with a little honey.

Can the lack of proteins be a problem during the cure?
During a Schroth Cure, the body only gets about 15 grams of vegetable protein daily, while the normal need is about 1 gram per kilogram of optimal weight (approx. 50 to 90 grams). An average protein loss of approx. 35 grams per day in the first week is totally harmless for the organism. Afterwards, the body changes to fat burning mode and automatically reduces the daily protein loss.

How the wrap works

The three phases of a Schroth body wrap

Those who hear about the early morning body wraps for the first time cannot imagine their effect. We are happy to give you all the information needed. Tip: The interview of our former Schroth expert Lore Perschl in the magazine SPA Inside.

1st phase, approx. 10 to 20 minutes
While being wrapped in a cold and damp sheet, the vessels in the subcutaneous tissue and upper muscle layers constrict. Due to the muscle tremors, heat production starts. Blood pressure rises, breathing slows.

2nd phase, approx. 30 minutes
The body responds with increased heat production, the arteries dilate and blood flow increases, blood pressure drops, and the body relaxes. Heat spreads. At this stage, some people fall asleep, others wake up. Make sure not to watch TV, but reflect on yourself!

3rd phase, approx. 1 to 2 hours
A healing fever sets in: The internal body temperature rises about one or two degrees. Outbreaks of sweating start. Even if you sweat little at the beginning, it is healthy. Some people have to learn to sweat again. This is because an imbalance of relaxation and excitation nerves in the autonomic nervous system also disturbs the body’s sweat production. The light healing fever activates the body’s own defences, has an analgesic and antispasmodic effect, balances the internal organs, calms and revitalises the skin. The vegetative nervous system switches to relaxation. Metabolic wastes and harmful substances such as nicotine are excreted through skin by sweating.


Aroma wraps
After consultation with the cure doctor, we can offer Schroth Cure body wraps, which are infused with one of the following aroma oils:

Eucalyptus oil
Stimulating effect, clears the airways, antiseptic effect on impure skin.

Lavender oil
Analgesic effect, antispasmodic effect on headache, strengthens the nervous and immune system.

Stone pine oil
Has a stimulating effect, gives new courage and strengthens the will, makes it easier to make decisions, helps with mental stress.

Balm oil
Balancing effect, blood pressure lowering, promotes sleep and relaxation.

Schroth Cure body wrap: €24.50 per wrap
Aroma body wrap: €25.50 per wrap

Medical exam

Prior to the Schroth Cure, it is necessary to visit the Schroth Cure doctor. Reasons for the visit:

  • Questioning about medical history (anamnesis) and current symptoms
  • Full-body examination with auscultation of the chest organs heart, lung, etc.
    • Examination of abdominal organs
    • Evaluation of the locomotive system
    • Blood pressure and pulse measurement
    • Measurement of weight and height
  • Preparation of the individual cure plan – if possible, bring your current laboratory values (blood values) to the initial examination. If these are analysed on-site, they will be billed according to the German fees for physicians (GOÄ).

Wonderful side effects of your Schroth Cure

As a holistic natural healing method, Schroth Cure has a rather comprehensive effect – which, however, is incredibly effective. There is no other cure with such a wide range of positive side effects: The Schroth Cure is a fountain of youth, key to happiness, slimming treatment, anti-ageing cure. And that’s all in addition to the medical benefits. After a Schroth Cure, guests feel younger and more agile. Even after just a few days, the Schroth Cure boosts the serotonin production, also known as the happiness hormone. That awakes a new feeling of lightness and serenity – and increases the sensual perception.

“Both men and women are more relaxed and able to finally experience their environment more consciously and with all their senses,” knows psychotherapist and spa doctor Dr. med Hans-Harald Köhler. “The diverse landscape around Oberstaufen, the countless catered huts, the hotel’s popular dance offers in the afternoon and evening, and the Schroth Cure itself help you rediscover the joy of being active.”

Such sensory stimuli have a significant impact on the success of the Schroth Cure as a modern anti-ageing cure. When women and men in midlife increasingly ask themselves “Is that it now?”, there is hardly a more convincing counter-evidence for the weakened ego than the sensual self-perception as a result of a Schroth Cure.

Since the “side effect” of weight loss also makes complaints disappear that otherwise affect one’s happiness, the Schroth Cure is great motivation for a permanent lifestyle change. In consultation with the doctor, medication can often be reduced or even discontinued.

Using the cure as an initial spark for a healthier lifestyle

Regular physical activity, relaxation, and an alkaline-rich diet – this is how the Schroth Cure has a long-lasting effect. During the Schroth Cure, you have experienced how much more agile and comfortable you feel when you are lighter and more relaxed. With relatively little effort you can maintain this new attitude towards life:

  • Integrate periodical movement and relaxation into your daily routine.
  • Take the stairs instead of the lift, ride a bike, and forget about your car from time to time.
  • Choose an acid-base and balanced diet.

Physical movement is not only a good outlet for stress, but also affects the acid-base balance positively. A lack of exercise supports excess acid. Regular relaxation helps to keep stress down or to reduce it when you’re feeling under pressure. The vegetative nervous system remains in balance and the basic regulation works better. In everyday life, the Schroth Cure diet would be far from sufficient. After the cure, however, a long-term diet is recommended.

11 things you should bring to the Schroth Cure

© Oberstaufen Tourism | German Schroth Association e.V.

1 First things first: Motivation
The Schroth Cure is quite challenging. Without a bit of self-discipline you won’t be able to start. Only those who actively want to do good for themselves will find that the cure leads to a personal sense of achievement.

2 Current blood values and medicines
If you can bring along current blood values from your general practitioner, you won’t have to give another blood sample. If you are taking medication, bring them too. The dosage can often be reduced during the Schroth Cure.

3 Positive thinking
The Schroth Cure is a relaxed cure. You laugh, go out, dance, and spend time with interesting people. Just try it, the Schroth Cure is known as the “happiness cure” for good reason.

4 Dancing shoes

Dancing is known as a movement therapy during the Schroth Cure. Even those who normally don’t like dancing can’t get enough of the dance floor. At 1 p.m., the first dance club opens its doors.

5 Peppermint candy or oral spray
A fasting stomach often takes revenge with bad breath – but when you are dancing, you want to look and smell good.

6 Hiking boots
Allgäu’s countryside is fantastic – if you wear the right shoes. On “drinking” days, being active is necessary. This strengthens the muscles, burns unnecessary fat, and reduces stress.

7 Your favourite jeans (that are much too tight)
It’s a side effect – but a temptingly good one! After a few days of Schroth Cure, your jeans will fit again. And everything will be fine!

8 Sportswear and swimming gear
For yoga, gymnastics, water sports, medical consultation, and relaxing hours in between.

9 A book
We would recommend the German book “Aus Liebe zum Leben” by Dr. Susanne Neuy, but of course it can also be a romance novel. The three “dry” days per week are also rest days – and therefore perfect days for bookworms.

10 Rucksack
Is perfect during the “drinking” days at one of the many Alpine huts – and is ideal for the way home, because you can carry a lot of Allgäu cheese. During the Schroth Cure, cheese is not allowed – but afterwards, it tastes twice as good as before. And the flower fairy at home is sure to be delighted with Wiesenkräuterbergkäse cheese or other Allgäu delicacies.

11 Smartphone
With your smartphone, tablet, or laptop, you can surf the internet for free at countless hotspots in Oberstaufen thanks to your guest card. At the “most digital health spa in Germany”, you can also use the services of the digital tourist info around the clock to stay informed.

Schroth Cure to cure diabetes

The number of people suffering from diabetes in Germany is currently over 8 million. According to experts, this number will double over the next ten years, making diabetes a widespread disease. One of the most frequent causes of type 2 diabetes mellitus are obesity, poor diets, and lack of exercise.

What doctors and spa staff have been reporting for years was proven in a two-year pilot study led by Prof. Dr. Ralf Schiel and Dr. Brigitte Osterbrink: Schroth Cure has positive effects on type 2 diabetes. A total of 97 type 2 diabetes sufferers aged 57 to 73 years took part in the study from November 2010 to May 2011.

The quality of life of the patients could be significantly improved. Through the low-calorie diet, with little fat, salt, and animal proteins, as well as an alternation of physical activity and rest phases, which served for regeneration and stress management, weight loss was achieved and the blood values normalised. The long-term glucose value (HbA1c) was also lowered. As a result, diabetes sufferers were often able to reduce and sometimes even stop using their sugar- and blood-pressure-lowering medication during the Schroth cure.

Diabetes prevention was particularly important. The positive results of the Schroth cure are best when the cure is carried out in the early stages of diabetes. According to the study results, the greatest success in diabetes treatment is achieved in the third week of treatment.

Being active during the Schroth Cure

In harmony with the prescribed amount of drinking, the alternation of rest and exercise supports stress reduction, stimulates the metabolism, and ensures further fat loss. On drinking days, you meet up for a hike, for example. On dry days, it’s time for courses on the topic of relaxation. As part of our sports programme, we also offer courses that are ideally suited to our Schroth Cure guests. We will be happy to advise you.


Schroth Cure-offers

7 nights | Health & detox
Schroth taster week
from €1,484.—  per person incl. Gourmet half board
 | 7 nights
Health & detox
Schroth Special – 2 weeks
from €3,050.—  per person incl. Gourmet half board
 | 14 nights
Health & detox
Schroth Special – 3 weeks
from €4,410.—  per person incl. Gourmet half board
 | 21 nights
Original Schroth Cure in Oberstaufen at Hotel Allgäu Sonne

Contact persons for your Schroth Cure in Oberstaufen

If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment for a Schroth Cure in Oberstaufen, please do not hesitate to contact us on +49 8386 7020 or info@allgaeu-sonne.de We are looking forward to hearing from you.

We are looking forward to your request.