Our sports programme with yoga and hiking in Allgäu
Our sports programme with yoga and hiking in Allgäu
Our sports programme with yoga and hiking in Allgäu

Sports programme & personal training

From Monday through Saturday, we offer you eight different sports courses per day. These include highlights such as yoga and hiking in the Allgäu region. Read on for more details. Registration for all courses and tours is via lists in the sports area. These are laid out the day before in the late afternoon; the list for Monday is already laid out on Saturday. Registration before arrival or for courses on additional days is not possible.

Our sports programme with yoga and hiking in Allgäu

Yoga at Allgäu Sonne

Our courses are suitable for both beginners and real yoga experts. Our certified yoga teacher (BYV), Melanie, offers different courses such as back yoga, balance yoga, and gentle yoga. For those who want to break a sweat, we also offer power yoga lessons. Regular exercise has positive effects on the body:

  • Improves flexibility
  • Strengthens the muscles
  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system
  • Helps with depression
  • Boosts overall health

Our yoga teacher, Melanie, will be happy to help you choose the right course.

Our sports programme with yoga and hiking in Allgäu

Personal training

In our fitness hotel, you benefit from premium personal training. Our experienced sports professionals who help you reach your fitness goals offer you not only detailed instructions on the endurance and strength machines, but also one-to-one appointments for personal trainings to develop your conditioning and coordination skills.

Choose your type of individual coaching, e.g. for yoga, Nordic walking, or back gymnastics. All coaching sessions include the creation of a personal training plan free of charge (regular price: €25)!

  • approx. 30 minutes: €40
  • approx. 60 minutes: €70

Our sport lessons


In addition to our guided hikes from Monday to Saturday, we take you on hiking excursions or mountain tours and show you our area’s most beautiful spots once or twice per week (depending on the season).

  • Guided hikes: up to 280 metres in altitude, max. 2 hours’ walking time, level of difficulty 1-2
  • Hiking tour: 250-380 metres in altitude, 2-3 walking hours, difficulty 2-3
  • Mountain tour: 350-600 metres in altitude, 3-4.5 walking hours, difficulty 3-5


  • 1 = easy, with gentle ascent
  • 2 = medium, with longer ascents
  • 3 = longer, steeper climbs, surefootedness required
  • 4 = fitness required, mostly uphill, partly steep
  • 5= good physical condition required, long ascent
  • 6 = only for experienced hikers

Dream journey

We stimulate the imagination so that the mind can create its own images and feelings.

Water fitness

Strength, endurance, and deep muscles are trained in the water using small equipment.


Flowing movements that include stretching and strengthening exercises improve both flexibility and stability.


Small devices can work wonders when it comes to fitness. We’ll show you during BodyFit.

TheraBand gymnastics

Let us show you various exercises with resistance bands.

Fitness mix

The focus is on strengthening and training the deeper, smaller muscles. For an active start to your day.

Indoor cycling

Indoor cycling is an efficient but also strenuous endurance training. The possibility to individually adjust the exercise level of the cycling bikes allows newbies and professionals to train together.

Flexi-Bar training

With this vibration training you choose the intensity of vibrations yourself with the help of the Flexi-Bar.

Strong core

Through targeted muscle training, body stability and coordination are improved.

Healthy back

The mix of stretching, strengthening, and coordination exercises helps prevent back pain and alleviate existing symptoms.

Isometric training (static strength training)

A special form of strength training with isometric contraction. Muscles are tensed, but not changed in their length.

Spinal gymnastics

Exercises that mobilise, strengthen, and stabilise the spine.

Belly, legs, and buttocks

With focused exercises we train your core, legs and buttocks.

Five Tibetans

Approx. 15-minute full-body workout for the muscles and joints. Metabolism is boosted, the immune system strengthened, and the nerves calmed.

Sun salutations

A sequence of postures that activate the cardiovascular system, warm the body, and promote flexibility and strength. Boost your self-confidence!


Strengthens the core and deep muscles, promotes flexibility and body awareness. Breathing is an essential aspect of Pilates.

Progressive muscle relaxation

An active relaxation technique according to Jacobsen that is based on the alternate tension and relaxation of your muscles.

Autogenic training

This popular self-relaxation technique reduces stress and improves well-being.


Stretching exercises for the whole body break through movement patterns and postural weaknesses, promote mobility, and prevent muscle shortening.

Fascia training

Self-massage with your own body weight on the floor or at the wall using a roller or ball. Improves circulation and flexibility.

Heart meditation

Meditation is done through movement that symbolises the opening of the heart and the give and take in life. The accompanying music leads you more and more into concentration and to your inner self. Meditation cleanses your organism, helps release emotions, and creates space for joy and love within you.

Mental training/relaxation

Blockages, tensions, or stimuli are reduced or turned off by activating the subconscious in a light trance.

Deep relaxation

In a state of trance, the subconscious mind receives all opportunities to take an active break and enjoy relaxation.

Power belly

Defines the belly muscles – both the straight and diagonal muscles as well as the lower belly. The lower back is also taken into consideration.

Step aerobics

This full-body endurance and coordination training is performed with a height-adjustable platform.

Dumbbell training

Resistance training with dumbbells can be used to train and develop specific body centres of gravity.


The Chinese form of meditation, concentration and movement for the cultivation of body and mind includes breathing, body and movement exercises, concentration and meditation exercises.

Your contact person

We are always happy to answer your questions regarding the sports programme, arrange your personal training, or create your individual training plan Feel free to reach out.

+49 8386 702910